More about Skai

In Dec. 2012, I received a radical inner calling to stop any physical, mental and emotional activity and to meditate. I spent the following three years in silence learning to quiet my mind, stay centered in the ZeroPoint field, activate and master my energy. I remained one year sitting on a chair, meditating night and day to channel energy within my body, one year walking/meditating from morning to night and one year running/meditating about 50 miles a day with very limited in-takes of food and water in order to rely mostly on pure energy and to remain calm and centered in the midst of constant pressure.
In 2015 I felt ready to share my experience and founded my ZeroPoint practice in Boulder, CO, guiding people in deep and long-lasting personal transformations. I helped heal diseases/traumas/blockages such as manic-depressive psychosis, bipolarity, depression, bulimia, gender issues, physical, sexual and emotional abuses, drug, alcohol, sexual and emotional addictions, self-worth, auto-immune diseases (lyme, crohn, sjogren), arthritis, spine injury, myofascial pain, scoliosis, brain stroke, neuropathy, HIV, HPV, etc.
Prior to this I lectured about art history, psychology and philosophy in museums (MOCA, LACMA), private foundations (BROAD) and galleries (GAGOSIAN, BLUM&POE) after a 12 year multidisciplinary research in:
- psychology (analytical psychology, archetypal psychology, biosociopsychology, psychoenergetics)
- science (systemic analysis, quantum mechanics, chaos theory, unified field theory, string theory, zero point energy, epigenetics, PEMF, ufology)
- meditation and spirituality (zero point meditation, tantric buddhism, integral yoga (Sri Aurobindo), Shamanism, Taoism, contemplative Christianity, Sufi poetry and whirling, and Jewish Mysticism)
- philosophy (phenomenology, metaphysics, hermeneutics, maieutics, ontology, theology, epistemology)
- art (art history, art theory and practice with painting, music composition, writing and film-making)
- athletics (ultra-running, free-climbing, free-diving).
In parallel I have created a groundbreaking high concept sci-fi television series, ZeroPoint. Based on KA Energetics principles it aims at diffusing this self-healing and empowering knowledge and at facilitating a larger awakening of our species.