Your Relationship to the Divine: Learn to connect to Source and develop a direct, rich, and unbreakable connection to your Guidance within.
Your Relationship to Yourself: Learn the true essence of Self-Love and develop a loving, balanced, and sacred relationship with your body, heart, and mind.
Your Relationship to your Lover: Learn the fundamentals of a sacred union: how to prepare for it, attract one, and manage it successfully.
Your Relationship to your Family and Friends: Clear, nurture, and balance relationships with your biological family and develop your Crystal 8: your own, chosen and indestructible soul family cell.

Course Schedule
Connect with your inner Source and master the keys of Sacred Partnership to build a healthy and solid support system with yourself, your lover, your family, and your friends.
Saturday, January 11th, 10 am - 11:30 am PST, 19h - 20h30 Paris time
Learn to connect to Source and develop a direct, rich, and unbreakable connection to your Guidance within.
- What is God? Source, Spirit, Universe, Truth, Self, Unified Field, Energy, Father, Mother, Holy Spirit… So many names and faces for the Higher Powers. What is truly beyond ourselves and why does it matter? What can it change for our life? How to relate to it?
- Anchor your connection to Source: learn to develop, deepen, and anchor your connection to your Higher Self to “shift your ground” and operate from a place of peace and power.
Core practice: Absolute focus on the Absolute
- Expand your connection to the elements: History and practice of animism. How to integrate it into your modern life to live with magic and efficiency.
Core practice: Connect with the soul of things
- Becoming your own psychic: Learn to connect with your Guides and receive personal guidance from the beyond at all times.
Energy work: guided meditation to connect with Source, no matter how low and lost you are. From Source, discover your Guides and establish a personal connection with them.
- Establish a daily practice of gratitude and connection with Source and your guides, and manifestation from that plane
- Choose a plant and do a diet for a week (Plant Spirit diet)
Saturday, January 18th, 10 am - 11:30 am PST, 19h - 20h30 Paris time
Learn the true essence of Self-Love and develop a loving, balanced, and sacred relationship with your body, heart, and mind.
- Your Body, your Player.
- Physical Exercise: Everyday Movement. Learn to establish a 5-10 mn energizing daily routine + longer challenges throughout the weeks.
- Diet: Foodie or not foodie? Understanding the proper role of food to sustain the Self (not the ego!), and mastering the fundamentals of nutrition.
- Appearance: understanding the deep societal programming about beauty. Beauty is an inner state, related to being aligned with your Truth. Not an outer feature that can be engineered
- Your Heart, your Lover
- Boost what you love about yourself: learn to focus on your strength with the Mirror Effect practice to mirror back your light and increase your feeling of self-worth.
- Understand what you don’t love about yourself: learn why you are repeating certain negative patterns and how to gently transform them into a life force.
- Your Mind, your Architect
- Learn to silence your mind to make it a fit servant of your heart
- Clarify, refine, and sharpen your mind through conscious art, philosophy, and science research. Learn to do DOR: Do your own research!
Energy work: Reboot your Energy. Quick energy practice to silence your mind and drop your awareness into your heart. Learn to discern between the different frequencies of ego and Self.
Physical work: Build your 5-10 mn fun and easeful daily physical practice and your weekly challenges.
Mental work: Build your own research practice.
Saturday, January 25th, 10 am - 11:30 am PST, 19h - 20h30 Paris time
Learn the fundamentals of a sacred union: how to prepare for and attract one and how to manage it successfully.
- Understanding the fundamentals of a sacred relationship: A loving partnership is a sacred union. A massive energetic exchange is involved and requires very specific care.
- Manifestation and preparation for an ideal partner: Learn how to call for an ideal partner while avoiding the ego's influence. Trust divine timing and be proactive by preparing oneself for the relationship.
- Healthy relationship dynamics: 1+1= 3. Explore the dynamics of a healthy relationship, including maintaining balance between partners, individual autonomy, and resolving conflicts with peace and compassion.
- Cultivating a sacred union: Cultivate a partnership encompassing fun, love, playfulness, and collaboration in manifesting and creating together.
- Establish rituals for connection and growth to elevate the relationship to new levels of success, love, and happiness.
Energy work and healing: Use Zero Point Energy work techniques to heal trauma surrounding relationships, receive guidance from spiritual guides, and manifest a healthy love relationship. This may involve identifying and addressing unhealed trauma, discerning between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and raising both partners' vibrations through energetic healing and manifestation practices.
Homework: return to your Higher Life Manifesto from this new place, review your previous assessments, and rewrite your ideal relationship. How would (or do) that person complement you? How would (or do) you complement him/her? What would (or do) come out of this complementarity?
Saturday, February 1st, 10 am - 11:30 am PST, 19h - 20h30 Paris time
Clear, nurture, and balance healthy relationships with your biological family and develop your Crystal8: your own, chosen and indestructible soul family cell.
- What is family? Contrary to common belief, family is a choice, from our soul. We choose our biological family to receive certain gifts and work through certain challenges. How can we take ownership while being able to detach from the unhealthy aspects?
- Balancing the relationship through the family system approach. How to heal and grow the relationship with your father to access your full manifestation power. How to heal and grow your relationship with your mother to attract full support and harmonious relationships in your life.
- Giving your best without giving your blood. Learn not to over-extend yourself to save someone, and how to manage your energy while parenting, supporting a partner, or a parent.
- Dealing with unhealthy relationships. Learning to identify when a relationship can be balanced or not, and how to detach energetically when it is bound to be toxic.
Energy work and healing: Utilizing Zero Point Energy work and regression technique to detach energy from a parent, give back that energy to the lineage, express your gratitude, and send light to them so they can clear it.
- What is a Friend? Friend vs Acquaintance.
- The Buddha, the Sangha. The community of friends in Truth. Clarifying relationships: exiting toxic/draining friendships, attracting and cultivating Truth friendships
- Building your Crystal8: your own, chosen, and indestructible family cell.
Your 8 people with whom you have complete transparency, and complete trust, raising each other frequencies for a life-long contract. Sacred Friendship.
Please note that you can enter any month as POTENTIA is evergreen. The program repeats every 3 months.
Saturdays, January 11th, 18th, 25th, & February 1st, from 10 am to 11:30 am PST, 19h to 20h30 WEST.
Make a discovery call
We offer different packages that include:
- One-on-one healing sessions with Skai
- Monthly check-in calls with Skai and Susan
- 12 weekly 90-minute online group workshops (every Saturday)
- Potentia Manifesto workbook (the Book of your Life)
- Access to Potentia Transformation Circle (our inspiring community)
- Access to the Pre-recorded POTENTIA course
- Direct access to Skai (through Slack) for coaching and support
Our packages prices vary depending on the number of 1:1 sessions, months, and other factors. We offer payment plans and a sliding scale in some cases. Please, feel free to book a check-in call if you are interested.
DISCLAIMER: Most people who buy any "how-to" information get little to no results. All testimonials listed here are from real customers who underwent our training or one-on-one programs. We're using these references, for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. Business, personal, and spiritual growth entail a focused and consistent work and the honesty with which we are doing this work is the true judge of its success. If you're unwilling to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.